A guide to trace minerals for preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum health

Have you ever been told your iron levels are too low, or that you need more magnesium? How about getting a recommendation for a supplement like Trace Mineral Drops or electrolyte powders? Or maybe you’ve attempted to recreate the viral Adrenal Cocktail, which combines natural sources of Vitamin C, potassium, and sodium, and claims to boost your energy levels?

Minerals, including what are referred to as “trace minerals,” are a popular topic of conversation in the holistic health and wellness space. But what, exactly, are minerals– and more specifically, “trace minerals”– and what do they do for our bodies? What role do these elements play in preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum nutritional health, and how can you incorporate them more into your diet? Here, I’ll summarize the most relevant research on trace minerals for preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum nutrition.”

Read more at Natural Womanhood.